Friday, September 30, 2011

Elephants                                                                                                                                                                  Why an elephant? The elephant has a brain that weighs 5 kilograms! Elephants has been known as a “I can do it myself with no help!” When a elephant get an objects, it can gather all of these, and make anything that it needs! Pliny the Elder, was know to recored this information. How he learned this is that an Elephant, and a Rhino they were fighting each other. The elephant got a metallic-bristled brush on a bush, and started to stab the Rhino in the eyes, so the Elephant can run away from the blind Rhino. One time in a zoo. A worker from there saw a few dogs barking at the Elephant. The Elephant had a big tree next to it, so it broke off a piece of branch, and started to ward off the dogs away from it!